Monday, May 9, 2016

Studies at the Women's Health Psychology Lab at Drexel University



Dr. Pamela A. Geller, Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology and Public Health, and Research Associate Professor in OB/GYN is conducting several studies related to health psychology and women’s health. The Geller lab is interested in looking at stressful life events, mental and physical health outcomes and the role of personal and social resources as moderators of stress, within the context of women’s reproductive life events. Recruitment is ongoing for the following studies:


Pregnancy Loss Study

The Pregnancy Loss Project is interested in how women cope with pregnancy loss and how pregnancy loss affects them. We are looking for women of color, Spanish or English speakers, ages 18-50, who have had an involuntary pregnancy loss, such as a miscarriage, stillbirth, or therapeutic abortion, to participate in a project about pregnancy loss, visit:

 NICU Study

The NICU Infants, Parental Stress, Couple and Family Impact study is interested in how a NICU infant impacts parental and family outcomes. This project is a Student Research Study being conducted through Drexel University in partial fulfillment of curriculum requirements. We are looking for biological mothers and their partners’ or spouses’ who had an infant admitted to a NICU 6 months to 3 years ago, who are in an intimate relationship with partner from NICU admission and have been cohabitating together and with infant since discharge from the NICU. If your infant is currently alive and born a singleton, if are currently 18 years or older and live in the United States we invite you to participate in your research study.  


Muslim Fertility Project

The Muslim Fertility Project is a new study on the impact of faith on the mental health and coping of Muslim women struggling with infertility and living in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, or Australia. Participants must be Muslim women who are at least 18 years old, not pregnant, and currently experiencing difficulty conceiving or carrying a pregnancy to live birth. Participation involves filling out a 20-minute online survey that includes demographic questions (e.g., age, education, race/ethnicity), followed by questions about pregnancy and fertility history, recent mood, religiosity, and spirituality. Learn more by watching the 3-min video at this link and/or take the survey here:



For further information. please contact

Emily Stasko at