- Protein is necessary for the building and repair of body tissues.
- It produces enzymes, hormones, and other substances the body uses.
- It regulates body processes, such as water balancing, transporting nutrients, and making muscles contract.
- Protein is contained in every part of your body: the skin, muscles, hair, blood, body organs, eyes, fingernails and bones.
- Next to water, protein is the most plentiful substance in your body.
- Proteins are made of small units called amino acids (the building blocks of protein).
- There are 8 amino acids that we must get from foods these are called ESSNETIAL amino acids.
- Excess protein will be stored as fat.
- Without exercise, the fat will keep building.
- Excess protein may also result in osteoporosis (bone loss) and kidney stones (a solid piece of material that forms in a kidney).
Eat Protein Properly:
Not all protein is found in meat. Other great sources of protein include:
o Soy: Edamame, soy nuts, tofu, soy milk
o Dairy: Yogurt, milk, cottage cheese,
o Nuts: All different kinds!
o Whole grains: Bread, rice, pasta
· Do not make protein the largest portion of your meal; that honor should go to vegetables.
· Limit your intake of red meat as much as possible.
· Eat fish a couple times a week.
· Try and replace meat with beans or tofu 2-3 times a week.
Visit http://www.savvyvegetarian.com/ to learn some delicious recipes that don’t involve meat!
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