Fitness Fun and Obesity Prevention in Children
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As children head back to school this fall, parents,
caregivers, health professionals,
and educators all play a role in supporting
healthy behaviors in children.
While eating healthy is an important aspect of
preventing obesity and becoming
overweight, keeping active also has a key
At school, children may be confined to sitting and sedentary behavior
more often than summer break.
American Heart Association recommends that all children age 2 and older
· Participate in at least 60 minutes of
moderately intense physical activities every day that are
appropriate and varied.
· If your child or children don't have a full
60-minute activity break each day,
try to provide at least two 30-minute
periods or four 15-minute periods in which they
can engage in vigorous activities appropriate to their age, gender and stage of physical
emotional development.
are some helpful suggestions to motivate children to meet these
1. Make exercise fun. There
is no reason to call exercise what it is.
Fun games like hop scotch, tag,
or skipping rope can all make a child smile while getting exercise.
2. Make time for exercise. Add a place
for exercise into your daily and weekly
schedules with activities that your
children will love. If you don’t have
enough time,
try putting exercise into other essential tasks, for example,
clean up time can also
be an activity that involves walking back and forth.
It can also be made into a game
with extra activities, such as the slowest to
clean up one section does x amount of jumping jacks.
3. Play some fast paced music and
have a dance party. Make up some dance moves
or integrate some
calisthenics into your dance routine, then do a show at the end
of the week
for family or friends!
Make exercise an activity for the whole
family. When everyone participates in exercising,
it can be both
motivating and meaningful for children.
Give gifts that encourage fitness or
exercise. Types of gifts can include
small trampolines, hula hoops, jump
ropes, hop-scotch, and bouncy balls.
Walk or bike whenever possible. If
you have places that you normally
visit that are nearby, establish safe
routes that encourage more walking or biking.
Visit parks or playgrounds. Go places that encourage activeness.
children’s museums, and parks are excellent choices
where kids can have fun
while also staying active.
Keep kids active when watching
television or sitting in front of a screen.
The American Academy of
Pediatrics recommends no more than
“two hours of daily media exposure”for
children 2 and up. Parents and kids
can take charge with healthy habits as fall begins and
school returns,
getting back into a fall routine would be much more
interesting by clearly setting
health goals for families. Also, setting up a
meal planning system is great to let kids know that
healthy eating continues
into fall with a few new choices.
References and Additional
Written by:
Zainab Sanadi
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Reflections from a Summer High School Student Intern
everyone, my name is Aissata Sall and I come from a large family that has been
impacted by diabetes through several generations. Diabetes has been very common
on my mother’s side of the family. Let me first start by saying my family is
from Guinea, which is located in Africa. My parents and three out of six of
their children were born in Guinea. The three other children, which include my
twin sister, my youngest sibling, and me, were born in the United States. I
must say from a young age I was exposed to the complications of diabetes and
what it can lead to since both my aunt and grandmother in Guinea died from type
2 diabetes. During the time when my grandmother was dealing with diabetes I
wasn’t around to hear or see exactly what happened to her but I do know that
she was obese and didn’t have a healthy diet nor did she exercise. My aunt died
about six years ago in her mid-40s leaving behind five children who are now
under the care of my mom. Months before her death she had to get her leg
amputated three times which caused unbearable pain due to lack of antibiotics
and pain medication. During this time my mother was sending as much money as
she could so my aunt could keep her spot at the hospital and receive the best
care available but that wasn’t enough and she died fairly quickly. Still to
this day I believe that if my aunt and grandmother were here in the United
States they would have lived a much longer life with less pain because of the
level of care and treatment that’s available to patients here. Now knowing what
we know about diabetes my mother has taken action to protect herself by eating
less sugary food and drinks, getting frequent checkups and maintaining a
healthy diet. My mother has also instructed all her children on the importance
of keeping your body in the best shape possible and eating well to keep
diabetes away.
Diabetes is a disease in which your
body “does not produce enough insulin (a hormone that regulates blood sugar, or
glucose),” this means that when you have diabetes there’s too much sugar in
your blood (Global Report on Diabetes,
2016, p. 2). The most common
types of diabetes are Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. A major difference between the two is that Type 1 diabetes is most common in children. Symptoms of
Type 1 diabetes include excessive urination, thirst, constant hunger, weight
loss, vision change and fatigue. Type 2 diabetes is most common in adults. Type
2 diabetes is largely the result of excess body weight and lack of physical
activity; however, its symptoms are similar to those of Type 1 diabetes. There
are steps you can take to prevent or delay diabetes from happening to you.
Recommendations include the following: achieve and maintain a healthy body
weight, be physically active at least 30 minutes a day, have a healthy diet—avoid sugar and saturated fats, and avoid
tobacco use. If you aren’t following these steps you can be faced with some
serious consequences, like developing damage in your heart, blood vessels,
eyes, kidneys, and nerve cells.
One good way of keeping track of your diabetes is by taking the glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c)
test which shows you how well your diabetes is being controlled. The HbA1c test does
this by providing an average of what your blood sugar is over a time period of
2-3 months (“Hemoglobin A1c Testing for Diabetes,” 2016). If your blood sugar level is too high
there are steps that need to be taken by you, the patient, and your doctor.
This test is very important because it helps monitor your health and so it
should be available in every country for every patient with or at risk for
Globally, it’s been
estimated that 422 million adults were living with diabetes in 2014, compared
to 108 million in 1980
(Global Report on Diabetes,
2016, p. 2).
There has been a rapid increase in the number of people living with diabetes.
This is worrisome because these numbers are getting larger and we need to find
a solution to minimize this rate . In
countries like the United States and Guinea where diabetes is significant there
were some troubling results about the number of deaths caused by diabetes. For
instance, with a population of 322,000,000 in the United States the percentage
of diabetes deaths every year was 3%. And in Guinea with a population size of
12,609,000 the percentage of death due to diabetes was 2% ( “WHO Fact Sheet”. 2016. ). In Sub-Saharan
Africa 79% of people with diabetes die before the age of 60 and in America 38%
of people die before the age of 60. This shows that people in America live
longer with diabetes and they develop diabetes later on in life while in Africa
people develop diabetes earlier and die much faster (“IDF Diabetes Atlas”
The HbA1c test makes diabetes care better because it keeps
patients up to date with their blood sugar level so people will be able to make
the appropriate lifestyle changes. Without the HbA1c test available many people
would be clueless on how to manage their health. In Africa there's limited
access to the HbA1c test which means not everyone is getting information to control
their diabetes. According to a scientific study from 2014 “poor control of
blood glucose is common in patients with type 2 diabetes in Cameroon and
Guinea. Limited access to the HbA1c test, appears to be a key factor associated
with poor glycemic control in Guinea” (Camara et al., p. 1). However, in the
United States all treatment is easier to get for most diabetic patients because
many primary care practices have treatment available (“U.S. WHO Country
Profile,” 2016). The American Diabetes mellitus Association guidelines requires
that HbA1c tests be provided to patients in their primary care practice
(Richard et al.,
P.2, 2015).
Hopefully many can see that it’s unfair that people in Africa
aren’t getting the HbA1c test which is resulting in a faster death rate for
diabetes patients and more complications like the amputations that my aunt went
through. It would be marvelous to see more HbA1c tests provided to patients in
primary care facilities in African countries like Guinea so that people can
live longer and healthier lives. One thing that might help make this happen is
if governments branched out and made connections to help promote more HbA1c
tests for countries in need. Americans should care about the health of diabetes
patients in Guinea because more deaths occurring there increases the human
death rate globally. A death in Guinea is just as tragic as a death in America.
This is why it’s very important to care about what’s going on worldwide. I
believe all governments should care about this matter because we want the best
for our people; meaning longer lives, healthier bodies, and more awareness.
This is why campaigns should be held to effectively spread the message of the
importance of the HbA1c test. It’s
important for everyone with diabetes or at risk for the disease to know how
they can receive help and protect themselves.
Written By: Aissata Sall
Camara, Alioune, et al., "Poor glycemic control in type
2 diabetes in the South of the Sahara: the issue of limited access to an HbA1c
test.” Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, 2015
"Global Report On
Diabetes." World Health Organization.
2016. Web. 28 July 2016. <>.
“Guinea-Diabetes Profile” World Health Organization., n.d. Web.
"Hemoglobin A1c Testing for
Diabetes." WebMD. Web. 01 Aug.
2016. <>.
"IDF Diabetes Atlas - 7th
Edition." IDF Diabetes Atlas.
2015. Web. 01 Aug. 2016. <>.
Richard, Patrick, et al., “Quality
and Cost of Diabetes Mellitus Care in Community Health Centers in the United
States.” PLOS ONE PLoS ONE, 2014
"United States Of
America-Diabetes Profile" World
Health Organization., n.d. Web. <>.
"WHO Diabetes Fact Sheet."
World Health Organization. 2016. Web.
01 Aug. 2016. <>.
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