What is meant by rape culture? One is example is the recent high school rape case in Stubenville, Ohio. A young women was raped by two football players after she became overly intoxicated at a party. Instead of coming to her aid, many students joked and posted pictures of her on the internet. Following the event the town was torn. While some did support the young girl, many felt that she was to blame and shunned her for giving the football team and the town a bad name. And these incidents are not uncommon. Studies show that college students believe about 50% of reported rapes are false claims, while the real number is about 2-8%. And while the issue of false rape gets a a lot of attention, 97% of rapists will never spend a day in prison.

If you or someone you know has been a victim or living in a dangerous situation, there are resources to help! For those in the Philadelphia area, the nonprofit organization Women Organized Against Rape (WOAR) provides physical, mental and legal assistance. They also have a 24 hour hotline for round the clock assistance (number available on their website). Nationwide the Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network (RAINN) also has a 24 hour hotline and online hotline services for those in need. There are also options for volunteers to help if you are looking to be part of the solution. No matter your reason, do not hesitate to take advantage of these resources!
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